07 August 2008

Yangon Yinyang Volume 1 Number 2

Thursday 7 August 2008, Bangkok Thailand

This will be short since I’m only in Bangkok for a couple of days. I stopped here to get my visa for Myanmar and to get a briefing from the ADRA Asia Regional Office (my original destination). It took about an hour to get the visa instead of the usual 2-4 days.

The last time I was in Thailand was in December 1991 when we were coming home from China. The first time I was here was in 1968. Bangkok is a large, modern city. The most obvious change is the Bangkok Sky Train (BST). This elevated metro system is fast and efficient. A taxi to the ADRA office took 20 minutes and cost almost $3. The BST took five minutes plus a two minute ride on the back of a motorcycle (taxi) that provided my thrill ride of the day. The BST & mototaxi cost $1.

Traffic drives on the left, when it is convenient. If all lanes are congested and you think you can pass using the oncoming lanes before you get hit, go for it. Motorcycles use all open space. Drivers wear helmets but passengers aren’t required. I guess if you are so stupid you will ride a mototaxi the government doesn’t consider you worth protecting. After two rides, I think I agree.

As in the rest of the world, pedestrians have the right a way. If you are crossing the street and you see a car coming, run– right a way.

I encountered a modern problem. The hotel replaced the incandescent light bulbs with compact fluorescent. Now they don’t generate heat so I can’t dry my underwear by hanging it on the lamp shade. Wait till I see Al Gore.

I fly to Yangon this afternoon and don’t know how long until I get back on-line.

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